Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sorry for the blurry quality. Barry was giving Edwards a happy 4 month birthday rub down. Edwards is a pup Barry named a full month before we made the decision to actually add him to our family. The kettles and boxes of fireplace kindling are a constant temptation to our little chewer.
The IceHouse has a wonderful fireplace.

This pup loves the snow. He has been chasing leaves that are blowing wildly over the deep snow. Tuckers him right out.


Jill said...

The fire looks so comfy. I'm getting ready to make some tea. The puppy looks so happy, I'm so glad you decided to get him. Molly and I will be down sometime to see him. The snow here is really getting deep and coming down hard. Jill

Lydia T. said...

Well, better the kindling, than the leg of your rocking chair. (Molly once did that to one of ours). I watched the 12 days of xmas. it's great, funny, some of my housemates actually just showed it to me a couple of days ago.