Monday, June 29, 2009

Last dog class for Edwards and me today at 1700. We have loved every class and he has been excellent ever since the introduction of the pinch collar at class #2. He is a big furry boy, evidence of this fact is rolling in little clumps on the hardwood floors. He is undergoing a minor diet change this week as he will not be getting the last bite of Barry's poached egg each morning as Barry is at Camp Bethel for a week of Bible teaching. He will go to Wundrland tomorrow and Wednesday while I am at work in Manchester and then Thursday and Friday while I am in the ER he will hang out in North Chittenden. . .don't forget to come get him Joel! Poor Joel (or Christine) will come down to the ER parking lot and retrieve him from my car at 0645 and then bring him back again at 1900.

The baby orioles have flown. Little sign of any activity around the nest. I was hoping they would raise another family. Saw a beautiful Indigo Bunting this morning on my drive out to Fair Haven.


Joel Tom Tate said...

I'll be sure to remember, Mom.

Sherry said...

Who is careing for Edward during your stay in California?