Barry and I were just startled out of our post dinner reverie by the CBS announcer who stated that this monster storm stretched all the way from Idyllwild, California to Sparta, New Jersey. We looked at each other and smiled and said in unison, "Did he really say "Idyllwild, California?"
It is now misting out. . .our snow was already some of the heaviest ever. I am thinking we will have ice everywhere come morning. Thankfully I do not have to get to the ER by 0645 which is my usual Thursday routine as I took the day off to be able to go to the Christmas play at RACS. (Rutland Area Christian School) All three of our Vermont granddaughters are in the program.
Grace is Mary in this manger scene. These pictures are all fuzzy because my new batteries were still in the car. I took these pictures at Tuesday's rehearsal.
1 comment:
So excited to see them!
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