Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Cloudless Bright Blue January Sky Day

Edwards loves to dismantle pine trees one branch at a time. He usually drags them back to our porch and proceeds to make toothpicks out of his haul.

He thrives on cold weather and absolutely loves the snow. He eats it and wears it equally.
Edwards and his just made dog snow angel!

The rewards of home and hearth at the end of a busy day in a dog's life.

I spent some time outside with Edwards this afternoon. It was so sunny and bright I had trouble taking pictures. My glasses darken in sunlight so I could not see the camera without taking my glasses off. It was freezing out and I could not do any camera manuever with my big red mittens on. . .all in all it is a miracle I got any shots. The really cute shots occurred right before the ones I actually snapped! Just imagine.

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