Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Home Away from Home

When the weather is wild and woolly I have a place to stay with my dear friend, Barb Amsden, down in the village of Wallingford. I came down last night before the bad weather began and slept here last night in order to be able to get to the doctor's office in Manchester early this morning for work. Drove home in snow and sleet and ice pellets tonight and did not even attempt the climb to West Hill Road. I knew I could not go up the Dugway and was not even sure I would get up #140. Besides I have to be to the ER by 0645 in the morning so best not to get home to a place I can't get away from in the morning. So tonight will be night #2 here at Chez Amsden. Praise God for good friends. Barry and Edwards are holding down the fort up on the hill.


Roxanna/Aunt Roxanna/Aunt Roxie said...

I want to thank God for your friends as well. When I talked to Barry this afternoon, I was thankful that you were not going to have to tackle dangerous roads. Glad you are warm and safe. Please tell your friends thank you from a sister-in-law in Iowa. We've had only a dusting of snow today and except for my driveway, most of the ice is gone - thankful for a few safe days.

Mom 8X said...

They are good people. We were good friends with Bob's late brother, Terry.