Sunday, March 8, 2009

Edwards and his raccoon which is now in several pieces. The head still squeaks but the squeaker from the tail is out and gone. Right now he is working to get some treats out of his aqua blue kong. He keeps dropping it in the hopes something will fall out.

Tate Family photo: Velma, Joe Tom

Roxanna, Peggy, and Barry Joe

This weekend was very pleasant in the ER which was truly a gift as we have been having horrible days. I actually felt good when I left work which usually is not the case.

Tomorrow is a day off for me and I have more than enough chores to fill my day. The Bannermans are due back on Tuesday so Fred will be a very happy dog. He has been very good, except for the deer leg episode. All Bill's exotic plants have survived and the blooming ones are still blooming.

Our road is very soft and squishy after some warm weather and rain. I would be glad to have it freeze up to make the travel a little easier.


Roxanna/Aunt Roxanna/Aunt Roxie said...

Tate family photo revisited. That picture was taken as we were preparing to move from Bellingham to Pasadena. You must have pulled it off facebook - Randy Bradford's mom, Marlene, gave it to him after we met up on facebook. It has been an interesting contact - Randy must have been about 4 when we moved so while we don't have memories together, we have had a lot to talk about. I do like facebook for the connections it has allowed with Sara Summers and now not only Randy but Dave Crook and a Rick Reynolds whom I have never met as far as I know. What an interesting world.

MomZup said...

I did swipe it from your FB. I really enjoyed looking at those old pictures. I would love to know what the photographer said to make you all smile as you did! I really enjoy the FB contacts! Glad you do, too. We are seeing snow again today. . .grrrr.

Molly said...

Atleast your roads are plowed! The B-Town roads are horrible!!