Sunday, August 31, 2008

Obadiah is a FEVER!!!

Yesterday, while roof work was being done on the parsonage in North Chittenden I thought it might be fun for Obadiah to be out from underfoot and over here at the lake with us! Thankfully Lucy was eager for the outing as well and so she was along for the ride. . .and what a ride it was! Obadiah was nonstop mischief with a knowledge of drawers, cupboards, and mess making far exceeding his tender age. Joel and Christine you have my respect and admiration. Looks so innocent doesn't he! The bugles had quite a work out. Lucy perhaps should take French horn lessons for she could actually get good sound from the bugle. Obadiah could not, however he had the entire mouthpiece in his mouth so would have had to blow from his tonsils to make a sound.
Enjoying an apple snack.

Lucy demonstrating for Grandma the correct mouth position for bugle blowing or kissing she said! Looks a lot like Capital H (the goldfish) in this picture.

1 comment:

Molly said...

How Cute! I bet Obadiah and Lucy had a fabulous day that they will remember forever and share with their grandkids someday!

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