Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saltwater Cowboy was the Perfect Ending to a Busy Day!

Jill and I often end our 12 hour Fridays in the ER with a trip to Saltwater Cowboy, our favorite seafood vendor/eatery. We usually order something easily eaten in the car enroute home like clam strips or calamari. Yesterday we opted for the lobster salads and decided to eat them right there. We were joined by our friend Aimee, ED Tech/Secretary/Nursing Student and fellow Friday warrior with her daughter, Cadence, along as chaperone for this rowdy group. These pics were taken with my cell phone so some are a little dark. We chose to eat outside to enjoy the cooler evening breeze. Yes that is a large chunk of lobstermeat. I had already gobbled down most of the lobster when I realized I wanted to take a picture! This is Jill enjoying her salad.
Aimee chose the haddock meal which is Barry's favorite when we go to Saltwater.
And this is Miss Cadence. She divided her time between eating and talking and believe you me she is adept at both. She and her mom were sharing a bottle of vitamin water which Cadence was busily sipping. She told us "the wind is making me thirsty!" Needless to say we all had a good time and the cares and chores of our workday slipped away as we shared a wonderful meal together.

Cadence and I share a birthday!

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